Monthly Archives: April 2020

That Time I Ran From The Law And Fled to Chiang Mai Thailand

Have you ever wanted to run away from life?  In 2015 I was feeling so overwhelmed that I fled the country and ran away from being a lawyer! I told no one where I was going and fled to Thailand to be alone and save myself from having a breakdown. It was one of the best things I had ever done.  I went to Bali, Indonesia, then Chiang Mai, Thailand, and finally Calcutta, India for a month and told no one.  In this podcast I’ll share what I did, I’ll talk about the awesome travellers I met, and the life changing lessons I learned along the way.  Most people say you should always confront your problems and have the courage to keep getting up when you get knocked down.  They’re wrong.  I learned that one of the best things you can do for your mental health is to run away from your problems and find happiness elsewhere.  I did and it worked out great!

How NOT To Absorb Other People’s Problems

As an empath or sensitive person, do you find yourself always taking on other people’s problems?  I don’t mind just listening to their problems; I mean you actually mentally and emotionally bear the burden of other people’s problems as if they were your own!  You find yourself stressed, anxious, and tired. Depending on the time of job you have, your personality and shouldering other people’s problems all of the time can crush you. Today I discuss how to separate how you can be involved in helping solve a problem without bearing the weight of that person’s problem.  Ultimately, it will help you live more peaceful when you realize that it is not your job to be responsible for other people’s problems.